A Story of Awakening

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Last year,  I underwent breast explant surgery. It was a procedure that lasted about four hours under general anesthesia. 

During this arduous process, I experienced one of the most magical moments of my life. 

As I lay on the hospital bed after surgery, I found myself in an altered state of consciousness. It wasn’t a dream, it was an experience I was having in another dimension. 

A sunburst on a blue background with bokeh.

I was in a luminous place filled with bright white light. There was a feeling of peace and serenity, a permanent state of total bliss. I was sitting and next to me was a tall man with long hair. His presence was powerful, majestic, that of a Being of High Vibration, an Enlightened, Ascended Master.

We were both watching, from a distance, observing my earthly self. I saw my body sleeping on the hospital bed surrounded by the same bright luminous light. It was a silent, calm scene as in watching a baby in deep slumber. 

After a while, the Ascended Master said to me, “It’s almost time”.  Calmly I responded, “Yes, I am waiting for her to wake up”. And we waited silently and peacefully for the moment to arrive.

Upon awakening, I felt transported from the void back into this earthly plane. The sense of peace and serenity still with me as a deep feeling of gratitude engulfed my heart.  

This was one of those moments, a Heavenly experience I will never forget and that I carry with me since that day.

At times, while meditating, I find myself going back to this place. The difference is that the hospital bed is not necessarily where I see myself sleeping. It may be a situation in my life, a person, work, a story I continue to tell myself, a limiting belief or a perceived problem that has me in deep slumber. The illusion of the outer world becomes the anesthesia itself. And sometimes it’s tight grip keeps me profoundly unconscious.

A painting of a man sleeping on a pile of books.

And yet, there she is, my Higher Self, watching from the Kingdom of Heaven peacefully waiting for me to Awaken. To Awaken from the illusion. To Awaken to the Truth.

Patiently, she lingers, avoiding any disturbance to my slumber, recognizing that it’s solely with the arrival of Awareness that the process of Awakening can unfold.

A painting of an angel flying over a woman in a bed.

To truly Awaken is:

To be fully in your Heart
To recognize your Innocence
To Remember who you are and why you came here
To feel the Love within – a Love that has never left or been missing
An overflowing of Abundance
A Joy of Purity
A Dance, a Song of your own Truth
To see yourself as the ONE and only Child
To look into your own eyes and see the Sun – the Light of Love so Pure and Gentle
The Peace of permanent Stillness
A Flow, a Rhythm so Soulful
A Spirit of Oneness with it ALL
An ALL encompassing, radiant and everlasting Bliss

No matter what seems to take place in the outer world, I remember that my Higher Self is always watching over me – surrounded by the Light, Love and Presence of the Ascended Masters. And I pray for constant Awareness to lead me to my Awakening in each present moment. May we all be Aware, May we all Awaken. And so it is 🙏🏼✨

In Loving Awareness,

A woman standing on the beach at sunset.

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Monica Posada