What is a Return to Your Natural Self?

“It’s more than a physical transformation.
It’s more than your breast implants – it’s a change in consciousness, it’s an opening of your heart.”

A woman with curly hair posing on a wooden table.

Breast Implant Removal

A Journey into Self-Rediscovery

Are you contemplating the profound shift of breast implant removal, seeking clarity amidst the whispers of “Should I explant?” Perhaps you’ve been silently grappling with the enigmatic symptoms of breast implant illness, or you long to reconnect with the truest version of yourself. If you’re a woman in search of this inner transformation, know that you stand at the threshold of a significant journey.

Overcoming the Fear

Understanding the Change in Consciousness

It’s time to delve into the depths of your consciousness and embark on a metamorphic path. I understand the fears that echo within: the fear of change, the uncertainty about your altered appearance, the worry about scars, and the emotional readiness needed for this transition. These fears are valid, and I AM here to guide you through this evolution of self.

My purpose is to empower women like you to make conscious decisions about their bodies and reclaim their innate strength. I offer holistic support, addressing not only the physical aspect of explant surgery but also the emotional, spiritual and conscious dimensions of this profound experience.
A woman in a bikini standing in a field.

The Transformation Within

A Conscious Journey

Breast implant removal is a spiritual journey, a transformation that transcends the physical. My guidance is designed to help you:

🌸 Understand Breast Implant Illness: We’ll illuminate the symptoms and potential health ramifications tied to breast implants, so you can make an enlightened choice for your well-being.

🌸 Embrace Your Transformation: We’ll discuss the realities of scars and help you appreciate the beauty of your natural self, understanding that scars tell a story of resilience and growth.

🌸 Cultivate Mental and Emotional Resilience: I’ll guide you in fostering self-love and self-acceptance, assisting you in your journey to forgive yourself for past decisions.

🌸 Navigate the Conscious Recovery Process: I’ll provide insights into what to expect during your recovery and how to align your consciousness with your renewed self, post-surgery.

Reconnect with Your True Essence

A Higher State of Awareness

Reconnecting with your authentic self is a profound shift in consciousness, a courageous step towards a higher state of awareness. I AM fervently committed to aiding you on this transformative odyssey, a journey that unveils the depths of your consciousness.

Your past does not define you. Let’s embark on this voyage of awakening, hand in hand, remembering your inner beauty, strength, and resilience. It’s time to elevate your awareness and unveil the extraordinary path that lies ahead.

Contact me today and commence your transformative journey toward a heightened consciousness and empowerment. Your awakened, natural Self is waiting to shine through.

About Me
Empowering Your Journey to Authenticity Through My Own Transformation

Having walked the path of rediscovering my true self, I intimately understand the challenges of reclaiming authenticity. My personal journey, marred by deep-seated beliefs and a struggle for self-acceptance, uniquely positions me to guide you through your own transformation.

I’ve battled insecurities and sought validation externally, only to realize that true love and acceptance start within. My experience of removing breast implants became a profound inner awakening, propelling me towards self-love and a genuine desire to help others on their quest to authenticity.

My journey isn’t just a story—it’s the foundation of my coaching. I am deeply passionate about empowering you to break free from limiting patterns and reclaim your essence. Let’s traverse this transformative path together, transcending fears and unlocking the remarkable potential of your authentic self.

Monica Posada