Returning to My Natural Self

My Breast Implant Removal Journey

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In my life journey, I made many unconscious choices based on beliefs I held on to strongly about myself. Beliefs of not being enough, not feeling beautiful, not feeling loved and accepted led me to decide on getting breast implants.

Monica posing for a picture before undergoing breast implant removal.
The Impact of Beliefs on Attracting Experiences

Even though my physical appearance changed, the beliefs did not. So, I was still attracting situations in my life that reinforced those beliefs. And instead of addressing those deep shadows within me, I superficially addressed them with “enhancing” my body. This became counterproductive because in an effort to be seen, accepted and loved – I attracted men that only saw my body and created distance with other women, so the love I craved for was never fulfilled.

Plant Medicine Ceremony ~ A Turning Point

It was through my first plant medicine ceremony that I received the message to remove my implants. The images of toxins running through my body came flooding in and pain took over my chest. The messages were very clear – to return back to my natural Self. At first, it seemed a direct message about my physical appearance but what Grandmother Aya was asking me was to take a deeper look within and return to my essence.

A painting of a woman with wings and flowers undergoing Breast Implant Removal.
Journey of Inner Work, Self-Love and Acceptance

This propelled a shift in my consciousness, and I began a journey of inner work – of Self-love and acceptance. Of looking at my deep-rooted beliefs and lack of self-esteem with curiosity and discovering how codependent I was on validation from others. But did I actually value myself for ME? The love I was seeking – did I love ME? Did I accept ME? Did I see ME?

Returning to my natural Self was an inside job; the healing started from within and eventually made its way into the decision of removing my breast implants. I realized that the love I longed for, was my very own and that I no longer wanted to show up in any way other than my authentic and natural Self.

Woman enjoying nature after breast implant removal
Lessons and Discoveries Through the Journey

I learned so much through this process – I discovered that my implants caused me to be in a coma and hospitalized for two weeks after six months of having them due to Toxic Shock Syndrome; I realized I had been experiencing breast implant illness symptoms and had developed an autoimmune disease, I was not breathing to my full capacity and most importantly – I had built a wall around my heart.

In retrospect, I wasn’t conscious at the time I made the decision to get my implants. My own beliefs and society’s beauty standards led me to that decision. However, it wasn’t a permanent one and I am grateful for it because it opened the doorway to a deeper relationship with my Self.


The Path of Transformation and Awakening

I am passionate about this journey and physical transformation is not the point. Returning to our natural state is an awakening, a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. It requires transfiguration and transmutation of our energy, patterns, fears and beliefs as women. It’s a re-birth of a whole new YOU.

If you would like to deepen the relationship with your Self and are ready to step into your most authentic BEING, I invite you to initiate the path of Returning to Your Natural Self, your true Divine Feminine essence – the path of opening your Heart.

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Monica Posada